


Daily UX: Important 5 elements in UX

  • Psychology. It is subconscious. How user feels if they interact with UX.
  • Usability. It is conscious. How easy for user to do something they want to.
  • Design.
  • Copywriting.
  • Analysis. Is it data driven?

52 weeks of UX: Solving existing problems

  • Sometimes we focus too much on new things. But often it is important to solve existing mundane problem. We can solve known issues without new technology.

Applied Accessibility

  • Screen readers can be set only to read heading tags. So it is important to allow users to have summary just by heading text.
  • main tag should wrap main content and should be placed only one per page. It does not affect DOM.
  • article tags is used to markup independent content. Ultimately it depends on one's judgement call, but it is mostly applicable when the content stands even though surrounding context is removed.
  • section tag is used to group relevant contents. For example, if article is a book, article is a chapter.
  • nav is used for indication navigation links. If you have it on fixed footer, just wrapping with footer is enough.
  • audio tag can be used to put audio materials on the page. If we add controls attribute, it will automatically show player UI. Then, inside of audio, place source tag and set src and type.
  • figure tag is used to mark up supplementary resources such as images, tables, charts and codes. Usually it is not used when that resource is essential for the content. You can put explanation wrapped by figcaption.
  • We can associate the label tag and input tag setting the same value for for attribute in label and id attribute in label. With mat-form-field and mat-label is it automatically handled. Yaay!