


Github Actions

  • usesはサードパーティ使う時。actions.yamlで使い方や引数を確認しよう。withで必要な引数を渡せる。
  • いちいちcdコマンドをrunにいれなくてもworking directory的なものを渡せる。

UX Crash Course

  • UserStory is not about UI. It is about flow of actions user will take. It should be simple and smooth.
  • Once you identified UserStory, then you'll move on to Information Architecture. Basically there are 5 types of IA.
  • Category is popular one. Like blog, artists or exhibitions.
  • Task is another popular one. For example, for the Back service, you'll want to organize information based on tasks such as deposit or withdraw.
  • Search is important for service which handles enormous amount of information such as Youtube
  • People, is like facebook.
  • Time based IA changes UI based on situation or timing.